
  1. G

    Drawn Drawn Gogots'Maps-Forest 1

    250 forest objects for Dungeon Draft. With 3 paths, 1 Material, 4 Terrains.
  2. Forgotten Adventures

    Drawn Forests & Wilderness – Pack 01 v1.0

    Revamp and expansion of our vegetation, rocks, stumps etc. basically all nature stuff was on a back burner for a long time, but it’s finally here and there is a lot of it. In this first pack we have: New Stumps, New Bare Trees + Tree Branches so you can build your own Trees, Tree Tops, Tree...
  3. V

    Semi-realistic Forest Undergrowth 2

    This adds a terrain material brush that puts down a dense forest undergrowth pattern. Use it to quickly indicate impassible or rough terrain. Or use it for bushes. Includes a semi-realistic pattern and another that is a sort of composite of the default assets.
  4. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Random Encounter: Beach 2 2020-08-28

  5. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Lakeside Tavern 2020-07-24

    First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Basement Scenic View
  6. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Random Encounter: Forest Road 2 2020-07-24

    A forest road for your random encounter needs
  7. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Random Encounter: Forest Road 1 2020-07-24

    A forest road for your random encounter needs
  8. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Random Encounter: Forest Road 4 2020-07-24

    A forest road for your random encounter needs
  9. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Random Encounter: Forest Road 3 2020-07-24

    A forest road for your random encounter needs
  10. Silvia_Crow

    Top Down Drawn Temples 1

    No town, or forest, is complete without some hallow ground. In this pack you'll find: - 17 temples in normal colors with and without roofs - Various style from simple temples to grander cathedrals.
  11. R

    Cartoony Symbol Set - Dark Fantasy (Maps and More) 1.0

    The Dark Fantasy symbol set includes more than 500 dark and evil-themed symbols, from sinister forests and foreboding mountain ranges to orcish villages, demon towers and alien insectoid cities. This version is in vector format, for use in Campaign Cartographer.
  12. D

    Drawn Lapis Pack #2: more trees, bushes, shrubs, and grass! 1.1

    Use this asset pack with the first Lapis pack for expanded tree options, now including tropical and subtropical varieties, as well as ground vegetation. These stamps are larger than standard—great for working at print resolution—and rendered in professional quality digital pencils. Feedback is...
  13. D

    Drawn Lapis Pack #1: mountains, hills, lots of trees! 1.1

    Use these attractive, handdrawn assets to sculpt your map's terrain. It has hills and all three sizes of mountain: low, high, and huge! Add in an obsessive collection of different tree types to describe your forests, and you've got something special. These stamps are larger than standard—great...
  14. Nexoness

    Realistic Realistic Avoro: Lush Forest 1.0

    Avoro Lush Forest A lush forest, with shades greener than ever before! Avoro: Lush Forest is a theme in the Avoro (theme) series that is great for bringing your forests to live! With an easy-to-use colour pallette and other presets you will quickly find yourself painting in your forest...

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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