Official Update - Asset information and license information!


Platform manager
Staff member
Greetings cartographers!

We've got an exciting new update for everyone, with the focus on licenses and asset information. Let me explain...
We noticed that in a few instances users do not fully know or understand how they can use certain assets, which sometimes prevents them from using those assets. We want to fix this and are introducing an overhaul in our license system.

What is changing?
This change mostly affects creators during their upload process, with creators now being able to select a Creative Commons license or custom license of themselves. This license will be shown to users in the Extra info tab in a clear and simple way to make it easier for everyone but also provides links to more information if needed. The old Asset Use field is still enabled and will be to ensure compatibility with the current version of Mythkeeper, but we encourage creators to fill in the new license field!

We have also changed the Mythkeeper compatibility information which now also shows in the same format as licenses with visuals. About Mythkeeper, keep an eye out for a new version of Mythkeeper in the future, we are completely rewriting and redesigning the tool!

That's it for now, happy mapping!

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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