This is just some custom assets for Dungeondraft I made as-needed while making maps. Just sharing the love!
There are lots of colourable effects in here: splats, cracks, smoke, rips, boot prints.
Other colourable objects: a fancy round rug, a dwarf statue, an ornamental pool.
A stained glass window 'portal'.
A 'grating' light effect.
Some random objects: two fancy rugs, a broken sarcophagus lid, two chimneys, two half-circle stairwells, a dragon statue, an eagle statue, a broken rusted iron gate, a primitive glider and a cellar/basement outside door

There are lots of colourable effects in here: splats, cracks, smoke, rips, boot prints.
Other colourable objects: a fancy round rug, a dwarf statue, an ornamental pool.
A stained glass window 'portal'.
A 'grating' light effect.
Some random objects: two fancy rugs, a broken sarcophagus lid, two chimneys, two half-circle stairwells, a dragon statue, an eagle statue, a broken rusted iron gate, a primitive glider and a cellar/basement outside door