Recent content by Essendi

  1. Essendi

    Drawn Reefs&Jaws 1.0

    Hello, seafarers! This pack contains various png assets and textures that you'll need to build your own reef! Example, made in dungeonraft: For a free dungeondraft version look here:
  2. Essendi

    Reefs&Jaws [Paid]

    Essendi submitted a new asset: Reefs&Jaws - Reefs, Jaws and other Read more about this asset...
  3. Essendi

    Drawn Drawn Reefs&Jaws 1.0

    Hello, seafarers! This pack for dungeondraft contains various assets and textures that you'll need to build your own reef! Example: For a png version look here:
  4. Essendi


    Essendi submitted a new asset: Reef&Jaws - Reefs, Jaws and other Read more about this asset...
  5. Essendi

    Drawn Fantasy Temples - First step

    Hello, Heroes! I've uploaded a small update of this pack. What's new: New assets: 3 new columns types; 2 new carpets; 3 new semi-colorable containers; 3 new braziers; 4 semi-colorable plants; 3 colorable pillows; 2 sofas; 1 new semi-colorable fountain; 1 new terrain marble texture...
  6. Essendi

    Fantasy Temples [Paid]

    Essendi updated Fantasy Temples with a new update entry: First step Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Essendi

    Drawn Drawn Swamps and Bones 1.0

    Hello, heroes! This is a small asset pack, that features various swamp assets. 10 different bones: 5 different branches: 5 lotus leaves: 5 roots: 5 trees: And some more!: Here is an example of what you can build with it: If you like this pack consider trying my other free packs...
  8. Essendi

    Swamps and Bones

    Essendi submitted a new asset: Swamps and Bones - Small swamp-themed asset pack Read more about this asset...
  9. Essendi

    Drawn Drawn Fantasy Temples [Free] 1.0

    Greetings, Heroes! This pack features assets that can be used to build your own greek-themed temples! This is a cut, but free version of this pack: You'll find there 4 fountains: 3 Colorable roofs: 3 column types, 4 broken...
  10. Essendi

    Fantasy Temples [Free]

    Essendi submitted a new asset: Fantasy Temples [Free] - Old Greece themed temple assets Read more about this asset...
  11. Essendi

    Drawn Drawn Fantasy Temples 1.0

    Greetings, Heroes! This pack features assets that can be used to build your own greek-themed temples! You'll find there 4 fountains types in 4 colors: 3 Semi-colorable roofs in different colors: 3 column types, 4 broken columns, 2 altars, 3 braziers, 4 floor engravings, 2 floor tiles, 1...
  12. Essendi

    Fantasy Temples [Paid]

    Essendi submitted a new asset: Fantasy Temples - Old Greece themed temple assets Read more about this asset...
  13. Essendi

    Cartoony Tree House. Spring+Winter 1.0

    Good day, Heroes! This is an asset pack I made for my Theros campaign. This pack has a total of 134 different assets that can be used to build your treehouse. What this pack includes: All assets from the Summer+Autumn Tree house, plus two extra color variants for most of the assets. 2 Bases in...
  14. Essendi

    Tree House. Spring+Winter [Paid]

    Essendi submitted a new asset: Tree House. Spring+Winter - Tree House. Spring+Winter Read more about this asset...
  15. Essendi

    Tree House: Summer+Autumn

    Essendi submitted a new asset: Tree House: Summer+Autumn - sectional tree-house assets Read more about this asset...

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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