
  1. N

    Top Down Fantasy Fantasy Hamlet Asset pack 2020-10-03

    Here is my first Asset pack. I made this with the idea of using it to make small villages and roadside hamlets. Several of the assets such as the well could be scaled up and used as sacrificial pits etc. Enjoy playing around with it and seeing what you come up with :) If you like what you see...
  2. I

    Drawn Thatched Rooves Lite 2.0

    No more shingles! Six eight twelve twenty-four thatched rooves from a collection I'm working on. CONTENTS: -1x1 roof piece / over window section etc -2x3 small barn roof -3x4 small cottage with chimney -4x6 corner cottage with chimney -8x4 longhouse / large cottage -4x4 round thatched hut...
  3. Silvia_Crow

    Top Down Drawn Oriental 1

    Travel to the East with this top-down package In this pack you'll find: - 24 temples with and without roofs - 24 house with and without roofs - 4 castles with and without roofs - A mix of other items, such as walls, sakura trees, statues.
  4. Silvia_Crow

    Top Down Drawn Temples 1

    No town, or forest, is complete without some hallow ground. In this pack you'll find: - 17 temples in normal colors with and without roofs - Various style from simple temples to grander cathedrals.
  5. Silvia_Crow

    Top Down Drawn Castles 1

    Now you have a place for all your 1%s, whom, of course, can't live in something as simple as a 2-level house. Pack with 9 different castles, as png files. Comes in a colored version, with and without roofs.
  6. R

    Top-down City Blocks III 1.0

    This is a colloection of CIty Blocks and individual Buildings, along with some tents and building bits (cimneys, doors, windows) to personalize them. Mythkeeper compatible/formatted & donations welcome! :D
  7. Zalkenai

    Cartoony Sleepy village - Part 1 1.0

    These buildings are part of a concerted effort to make a full suite of assets in my own style (for anyone that wants a unified look). They are part 1 of a series of village/town assets I'll be making.
  8. quachyourback

    Drawn Silkarch by Chan 2.0

    The City of Silkarch was a Japan-inspired city map submitted to Wonderdraft’s 3rd Official Mapping Contest, held in partnership with 2-Minute Tabletop. The original assets made specially for that entry can be found right here in this pack—plus more made after the contest closed! They work...
  9. quachyourback

    Drawn Japanese Castle Town by 2-Minute Tabletop 1.0

    Made from 2-Minute Tabletop’s Castle Town and Japanese Village, these houses have been cut and altered to become individual assets for mapmaking. The “originals” have not been included as symbols because they are not assets per se but full maps. Modifications include slight changes to the...
  10. M

    Package Isometric Houses [WIP] 0.1.1

    Along with Wonderdraft I bought the "Premium Buildings" package and while I do quite like that, I think it has some flaws that I try to improve upon: A: They are not well packed to work with the shuffle feature. If you tried it, you'd end up with random castles, cathedrals and portals all over...
  11. Silvia_Crow

    Top-down Castles 1.5

    Now you have a place for all your 1%s, whom, of course, can't live in something as simple as a 2-level house. Pack with 9 different castles, as png files. Is made for wonderdraft, but can be use in similar program. Comes in a colored version, a custom colored version, so you can choose...
  12. E

    Drawn 2-Minute TableTop Paintable Building Assets 1.0

    I've made some paintable versions of the buildings found (here in 2-minutes town & city tokens pack). There are also 3 tree brushes using trees from the previously mentioned pack and their roadside forest token pack, and camp tokens. Install it as you normally would. Everything is a default...
  13. jchunick

    No Version Field

    When I was adding my Easter Island Heads to Assets --> Structures --> Buildings there was no Version input field. Later, when I went back to edit it, the field was still not there. After that I added some new map frames, Scalloped and Gold Frame, and it had the Version field. Here's the link to...

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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