
  1. Avenoire

    Fantasy Tolkien Inspired Azgaar Style 2020-08-18

  2. Forgotten Adventures

    Drawn FA Dungeondraft Integration - Starter Pack v1.1

    As most of you know, we recently released our full Dungeondraft Integration (Patron only). This integration aims to completely replace the default Artstyle of Dungeondraft with our own. This starter pack is for everyone that wants to test it out for themselves for free first before pledging...
  3. V

    Regisota 1.0

    This is a fantasy map i have been working on
  4. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Lakeside Tavern 2020-07-24

    First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Basement Scenic View
  5. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Random Encounter: Beach 1 2020-07-24

  6. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Random Encounter: Forest Road 2 2020-07-24

    A forest road for your random encounter needs
  7. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Random Encounter: Forest Road 1 2020-07-24

    A forest road for your random encounter needs
  8. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Random Encounter: Forest Road 4 2020-07-24

    A forest road for your random encounter needs
  9. ZeroGNexus

    Battlemap Random Encounter: Forest Road 3 2020-07-24

    A forest road for your random encounter needs
  10. jchunick

    Realistic Folded Map Overlays 1.0

    Important Information - Please Read 1. These images were created for use in Wonderdraft as Overlays. 2. This package and these images DO NOT get installed or added to the Wonderdraft assets folder. Simply unzip the file to your desired folder on your computer. 3. With these images I am taking...
  11. M

    Arrna Style Preset 1.0

    This is a style preset for the Continent of Arrna for the people who asked for it when the map was posted to the subreddit
  12. CroBorn

    Fantasy Avatar world 2020-06-26

    This a map of the world of the Avatar: the Last Airbender show. Due to the constantly changing borders of this world, this particular map is that of the world at the moment of Sokka and Katara finding Aang in the iceberg during the first episode. There are a lot of generated burgs, rivers...
  13. CroBorn

    Realistic Europe 2020-07-19

    A very extenstive and detailed map of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
  14. Kelatomalacia

    Fantasy No Game No Life 1.3

  15. Kelatomalacia

    Fantasy Calidar 1.3

  16. Kelatomalacia

    Realistic World map V5.1 5.1

    Countries and cities in reality have been added.(The population may not be correct) Download old versions : V1 : V2 : V3 ...
  17. jchunick

    Yes Semi-realistic Castle Wall Boxes 1.1

    This pack contains a set of 6 castle wall boxes - see below for all the variations. This pack is designed to be used with my Castle wall Frames. If you like this or any of my other assets then consider buying me a :coffee: which helps me get my morning started ☀ If you are interested in a...
  18. im_a_waffle1

    Realistic Siria - Fully Functional .map file

    I made this in my spare time. It took me a couple days. Note: Download link goes to Discord
  19. CroBorn

    Realistic North America - unfinished, abandoned project 1

    This is a map made in Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator, based on the contiguous United States and parts pf Canada, Mexico and the Bahamas. This is a project I've abandoned and has remained unfinished on my computer for months. Feel free to edit it as you wish.
  20. jchunick

    Other World Map Two and Four Globe Overlays 1.0

    These overlays are large, so I've added them to my google drive and set them for download from there. They are not to be installed in Wonderdraft, but are to be used as an overlay with Wonderdraft's Overlay --> Trace Tool. Select the Trace Image from the directory where you saved the overlays...

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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