
  1. Gnome Factory

    Drawn Drawn Sci-Fi and Modern Assets (free version) 2020-08-21

    This is the free version of my sci-fi pack, the full version can be aquired by becoming my patron here. They are fully compatible, so the pack can be updated even on old maps if you want to try it out for free first! This pack includes over 170 new assets, the vast majority colorable. Includes...
  2. Gnome Factory

    Drawn Colorable Furniture and Stairs 1

    I made these for the sci-fi pack but they can really be used anywhere, so they get their own pack. Enjoy the freebie! Includes 66 assets, all of them colorable. Most of those are probably blankets and pillows, those are just too much fun to draw. Highlights: Modular Beds: Bedframes...
  3. Gnome Factory

    Drawn Drawn GF Natural Elevation 1

    Desert Dunes & Hill Slopes of different types. If you like this pack consider supporting me on my patreon!
  4. S

    Drawn Drawn Synecdoche Eclectic Pack Version 5: More Stuff

    Note that this version is not compatible with maps made using prior versions. Names and asset types have changed! If you want to continue working with a map based on a prior version of the map, keep the prior version. My pack is eclectic because it is the things I needed for my own game, but...
  5. R

    Other Cliffs 1.0

    This is a set of Cliffs based on the Top Down Mounts produced and released by Zalkenai, released with his permission.
  6. Silvia_Crow

    Top-down Marketplace 2020-03-19

    Tents and items, some basic for a market. Tents and items, some basic for a market. In this pack you'll find: - 18 various tents in normal and custom colors - 17 items such as pots, barrels and tables in normal and custom colors Is made for wonderdraft, but can be use in similar program...
  7. Mill House Studios

    Top-down City Blocks 1.1

    Simple city blocks for top-down city maos. These assets are intentionally pretty simple, and do not have shading, as they are intended to be rotated around a lot, and that would destroy any 3d effect. If you want to shade the roof tops, my advice would be to wait until you've finished and do it...
  8. Silvia_Crow

    Top-down Castles 1.5

    Now you have a place for all your 1%s, whom, of course, can't live in something as simple as a 2-level house. Pack with 9 different castles, as png files. Is made for wonderdraft, but can be use in similar program. Comes in a colored version, a custom colored version, so you can choose...
  9. Silvia_Crow

    Top-down Silvia Crow's manors - small pack 1.0

    A small pack with manors, for all your rich people in town. Features: custom colors, normal and sample color. I hope you find this usefull, please contact me if you have any questions concerning this asset. Hav a good day
  10. M

    Cartoony 2-Min Tabletop - Grey Town & City Tokens 1.0

    These are recoloured versions of the 2 Minute Tabletop Town & City tokens. They have grey roofs instead of red / blue ones in order to give a more neutral look. There are a total of 51 icons here, including tents recoloured to grey instead of beige. I do not have the ability or inclination to...
  11. Nexoness

    Realistic Realistic Project Earth 1.0

    Project Earth is a realistic theme for Wonderdraft. It includes a few colours that help you get started with your own realistic satellite map, like the one shown below! Features for next update: Custom textures Labels More ground colours Frames Featured in Megasploot's tutorial on how to...

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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