

Mythkeeper - a fan-made Wonderdraft item manager to help you manage your assets, themes and much more!

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Mythkeeper is a multi-platform app (currently supports only Windows; Mac & Linux coming in the future) that can do the following:

What does Mythkeeper do?

  • Install at least half-decently packed assets packed, themes, brushes, and even whole packages. Just load that ZIP and let the app do the rest for you!
  • Downloading any compatible items directly through Cartography assets via a built-in client!
    • We even allow non-compatible downloads for those brave enough - no guarantee it will work though!
  • Support for custom config file if the author packs it along: This means displaying teaser images, galleries, licenses and detailed info about your assets!
  • Showing how much space your assets actually take on your computer so you can keep a track!
  • Profile module - a new addition! Read more about it in the guides or directly inside the program.
  • Backup your assets so you turn on/off what will show in Wonderdraft without actually deleting anything.
  • Delete your assets/backups - so you can actually get rid of stuff! Don't worry, the files aren't really gone.
  • Restore your deleted assets via the re-install process in case you change your mind!
What was added/changed in this version?
  • Full installation support for assets, themes and even brushes - we even added support for Packs, so you can now install an unlimited amount of themes/assets/brushes in one big zip file as well!
  • Non-blocking actions - You can run multiple tasks at the same time and only the absolute minimum of items get locked out of the screen while you can happily keep doing what you need in the program.
  • A new task UI! We added a nice dropdown menu in the right top of the screen that shows all ongoing tasks and their % values; so you can keep a close eye on what is going on!
  • Real-time filters for both the asset list AND the Cartography Assets client that supports as many fields as we could squeeze in!
  • Custom user folder support! No longer are you bound to the default user folder when using Mythekeeper; we now fully support Wonderdraft's custom user folder settings!
  • Profiles - A heavily requested feature for Wonderdraft has always been some kind of filtering so the program doesn't have to load all assets at the same time and the asset list doesn't have to be as long when browsing through
    • You called and we heard you! Mythkeeeper now supports Profiles - custom mini-user folders that can have any mixture of themes/brushes/assets inside of them, allowing users to set up specialized profiles with different map assets/themes/brush combinations for different types of work with Mythkeeper offering an extremely simple interface to swap between with mere two clicks.
  • Settings for the program! Considering yourself a pro and think you don't need to see the long, newly added tooltips? You can disable them! The same goes for enabling expert mode and other settings!
  • Much fancier, smart and interactive guides
  • All features from the previous iteration of Mythkeeper! If you through this all comes at the cost of dropping some functionality from the previous version; think again - we are keeping all previous functionality perfectly preserved while adding new and building on top of it!

Welcome screen


Assets module


Themes module


Cartography Assets client module


Profiles module



Mythkeeper Team

First release
Last update

Optimized for
5.00 star(s) 11 ratings

  • Tags
    asset asset manager installer manager mythkeeper software wonderdraft

  • Asset information

      Custom / other

    Latest updates

    1. 0.7.4 - Fix for multi-file downloads

      A small fix with big impact for multi-file assets
    2. 0.7.3 - Crticial fix for WD config files

      Updated buggy path saving in the Settings popup Fixed WD config files not getting unpacked properly
    3. 0.7.1 - Critical fix for Windows users

      Fixed a pathing issues that was crashing the Assets and CA modules at the module loading and...

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    Latest reviews

    If you ever used a mod manager, or other kind of asset manager, then this will be second nature. If not, don't worry, this is very straightforward and easy to use. Search for what you want, click to install. The app is still in early stages, so we can expect more features to come, or possibly associated apps from other users. Definitely keep on this one!
    This is a great addition to Wonderdraft. It makes keeping track of assets so much easier; I'm really looking forward to updates that address themes as well.
    Just perfect to get rid of the unobservable clutter that is my asset folders
    An excellent addition to Wonderdraft! I have an older computer and being able to toggle assets on and off significantly improves my workflow!

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    Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
    You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
    making items for use
    enter line 2 here
    EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
    Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
    just made my first namebase, lol
    ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
    Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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