
  1. Nexoness

    Avoro: Wonderdraft Skin 1.0

    Avoro Wonderdraft Skin A skin for the Wonderdraft interface that fits well with the Avoro theme. Install by placing in your Wonderdraft folder, open preferences > Interface and select Avoro from the dropdown menu.
  2. Nexoness

    Realistic Realistic Avoro: Land of Pharaohs 1.0

    Avoro: Land of Pharaohs Rule like a Pharaoh! Avoro: Land of Pharaohs is a theme in the Avoro series that brings you back in time to the Land of Pharaohs! Rule like one yourself and create amazing looking maps using the custom ground colour palette, label presets and preset settings...
  3. Nexoness

    Realistic Avoro: Custom Textures 1.0

    Avoro: Custom Textures adds new textures to Wonderdraft which you can use in many kinds of maps. All textures are seamless and can also be used outside of Wonderdraft. This asset works well with the Avoro theme, check it out here. Wonderdraft installation: Place all files in the .zip file in...
  4. Nexoness

    Yes Package Avoro: Custom Frames 1.0

    Avoro: Custom Frames adds new frames to Wonderdraft which you can use in many kinds of maps ranging from a postcard style to flowers. Frames come as .png and can also be used for other uses outside of Wonderdraft. You can colour the frames in any colour you like by changing the colour in the...
  5. Nexoness

    Other Avoro: Custom Names 1.0

    Avoro: Custom Names is a name generator created for Wonderdraft. Get randomized names for your rivers, forests, castles, settlements and other places! The asset adds a new selection of names to your Wonderdraft name generator in a fantasy language I made for my projects. Do you want your name...
  6. Nexoness

    Yes Package Avoro: Custom Boxes 1.1

    Avoro: Custom Boxes is a new addition to the Avoro asset family. This asset adds new label boxes to Wonderdraft which you can use in many kinds of maps ranging from Egyptian style to Celtic. You can colour the boxes in any colour you like by changing the colour in the box sidebar. To get the...
  7. Nexoness

    Yes Topographic Avoro: Political Borders 1.1

    Avoro: Political Borders Custom border paths! Avoro: Political Borders is a pack of custom paths to use as borders in Wonderdraft. You can colour the borders in any colour you like by changing the colour in the sidebar. Works great with the Political Conquest and Political Atlas themes...
  8. Nexoness

    Realistic Realistic Avoro: Wetlands 1.0

    Avoro: Wetlands Its a dark and muddy forest. Avoro: Wetlands is an easy-to-use standalone theme in the Avoro theme series. This theme is specifically made to create swamps and wetlands. If you want to create your coast using the lake tool take a look at the video below and turn the Coast FX to...
  9. Nexoness

    Topographic Other Avoro: Political Atlas 1.0

    Avoro: Political Atlas Conquer the maps! Avoro: Political Atlas is an easy-to-use standalone theme in the Avoro theme series. The theme is a modern version of the Avoro: Political Conquest addon and is easy to use and turns your map into a modern political map! Recommended assets: City Icons...
  10. Nexoness

    Realistic Realistic Avoro: Lush Forest 1.0

    Avoro Lush Forest A lush forest, with shades greener than ever before! Avoro: Lush Forest is a theme in the Avoro (theme) series that is great for bringing your forests to live! With an easy-to-use colour pallette and other presets you will quickly find yourself painting in your forest...
  11. Nexoness

    Fantasy Realistic Avoro: Mystical Lights 1.0

    Avoro: Mystical Light We don't know where the light is coming from, but its mystical… Avoro: Mystical Light is an easy-to-use standalone theme in the Avoro theme series. This theme is a darker version of the Avoro theme with added glowing colours and labels. Are you using Avoro: Mystical...
  12. Nexoness

    Fantasy Realistic Avoro: Magical Forest 1.0

    Avoro: Magical Forest Why are the threes shining, and what is that fairy doing here? Avoro: Magical Forest is an easy-to-use standalone theme in the Avoro theme series. This theme is specifically made to make your forests magical and give them a fantasy like glow! Are you using Avoro...
  13. Nexoness

    Other Drawn (BW) Avoro: Ink Saviour 1.0

    Avoro: Ink Saviour Printer friendly maps! Avoro: Ink Saviour is an easy-to-use standalone theme in the Avoro theme series. This theme is specifically made to get the most out of maps that will be printed out in greyscale. Suggested by /u/effin-d Are you using Avoro: Ink Saviour? Leave a...
  14. Nexoness

    Topographic Other Avoro: Political Conquest 1.0

    Avoro: Political Conquest Regions, Kingdoms and Empires also have needs. Avoro: Political Conquest is an easy-to-use standalone and add-on theme in the Avoro theme series. Show your kingdoms, empires and regions with their own colour! And create your own ancient style political map! Are you...
  15. Nexoness

    Realistic Realistic Avoro: Table of Mesa 1.0

    Avoro: Table of Mesa Standing on the biggest plateau, you look over your world. Avoro: Table of Mesa is an easy-to-use standalone and add-on theme in the Avoro theme series. This theme is specifically made for maps with canyons, mesa biomes and badlands as well as maps with cliff or canyon...
  16. Nexoness

    Fantasy Semi-realistic Avoro: Underdark 2.0

    Avoro: Underdark Explore the caves below your world! Avoro: Underdark is a theme in the Avoro series that opens a whole new world to you! Create the caves below your world using the included colours, label presets and textures to create a cool environment. Feel free to leave a rating below...
  17. Nexoness

    Wonderdraft Avoro: A family of assets and themes!

    Avoro is a family of assets and themes for Wonderdraft. Avoro assets all have the same style and fit nicely together, together with the theme series they make for a great addition for your map. Uniformity is important when creating a good looking map, that's why the Avoro assets are designed...
  18. Nexoness

    Fantasy Fantasy Avoro: Gates of Hell 2.0

    Avoro: Gates of Hell Below the world of the living... inside the realm of Hades... With Avoro: Gates of Hell you can create your own underworld! Use custom label presets, ground colours and the custom lava texture to create the realm of Hades yourself. Installation Step one: Go to...
  19. Nexoness

    Fantasy Semi-realistic Avoro: Corrupted Isles 2.0

    Avoro: Corrupted Isles A corrupted theme created for the most corrupt isles. Corrupted Isles is a standalone theme in the Avoro family. Corrupt your islands and maps with this theme! The theme includes loads of customized colours for your colour palette and comes with new label presets...
  20. Nexoness

    Realistic Realistic Avoro 5.0

    Avoro for Wonderdraft A colourful theme for Wonderdraft. Avoro is a colourful theme for Wonderdraft. The theme is created to be used by both experts and newcomers of Wonderdraft and can be used for all kinds of maps. The base theme of Avoro includes loads of ground and water colours and label...

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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